hello family!
i'm so glad to see people posting and reading already. I'm working on the template and trying to make it a bit more exciting than it is right now. it has literally been pouring in Athens for 5hrs straight now and everything's starting to flood. i'm glad to have my rain boots and even more glad for the umbrella/rain jacket combo i've worked out since my jacket seems to no longer be water proof....odd. it's hard for me to get up and go to class on days like these, especially because my tin roof over my room amplifies the rain to 11 (tyler, you should get this reference) and i just want to lay in bed and listen to it.
i'm so glad you guys are enjoying the great northwest, mom and dad. i'm jealous of your adventures but am so glad you get a vacation. tax-free shopping sounds legit- is it always tax-free in portland?
i've been missing morocco a lot lately and have a serious itch to travel. i'm working on polishing up my fulbright right now and thinking of re-vamping my personal statement in order to really communicate my passion for the middle east. it sounds so silly, but i can still smell the markets and hear the flow of native speakers arabic- its something i really love and need to get back to. just thought i'd share some pictures with you guys from it.
i hope everyone is well and let's keep this blog going....whooooooop!

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