This blog seems to really be rocking now, so I guess it's only appropriate we fill you in on our glamorous Vegas life. From working the midnight to 8 am shift to shopping for home furnishings, it's basically the rock star life. And I am proud to say, now that Lea is feeling better, we are a cumulative $1.75 up on the house! She really knows how to use those video blackjack machines! A little more and we might not be welcome at the casinos. Seriously though, our house is really coming along and we are open for business if anyone would like to come visit. We love having guests and we've already hosted a few pretty awesome weekends with Academy friends, Steve and company, and the Markovics plus Leo. As of now Val, Andrew, and Audrey are going to visit for Thanksgiving, so we are really looking forward to that!
Even if you can't visit soon, get excited for the wedding. It's going to be great! We've been planning all the details to make it a great time for everyone and the website should be up soon with lots of pictures and information to check out. Besides the wedding being a great time, we're just really excited for the whole week/few days leading up to it. It's going to be a giant Echols/Markovic family reunion in fabulous Las Vegas! I've got a feeling Mom E or Mom M is going to hit it big, just a feeling. Also, Lea and I are fairly certain we want to go to France for the honeymoon, so we'd love it if all you world travelers gave us some advice for cool things to do. We were thinking of a few days in Paris then a drive south to the coast. And Dad I know you have experience grabbing dinners in small French towns from the locals. I think it involved hand signals and animal sounds; sounded like a solid technique.
We're really glad to hear everyone in the family is doing better now though. Mom, you really are a great nurse, Lea and I have used your vast medical knowledge more than a few times already. But it is kind of ridiculous to ask about my BMs at the Thanksgiving dinner table, I'm just saying. Everyone stay healthy, it is the flu season and it's hit us pretty hard. Can't wait to see everyone sometime soon if not in April. Love you all!
B and L