So, while most of this post will be old news, I think it'll be good to record it for posterity.
Tyler and I have had 2--count 'em, TWO-- snow days which brings our total days worked with students in 2010 to a whopping TWO. It's a very prime new year. I'm not sure what numerologists would have to say about this turn of events, but I'm taking this a good sign for my sleep deprivation recovery and a bad sign for my productivity. The students will be especially difficult when we return, considering that next weekend is a 3 day weekend.
Tyler just left to interact with humans after being holed up in our apartment for 2 days because of the "treacherous" conditions. In all truth, we probably shouldn't be on the road. We are those stereotypical Southerners who really have no idea how to live in snowy conditions. For example: I had to babysit last night, so I headed out around 4:45. Yes, all the major roads were bone dry and there were no long as I could make it out of our parking lot safely! I kicked it into gear and it was like I was riding a Saturn-shaped snow sled. I just kind of skidding my way down the hill. I should probably look into changing my bald tires some time soon. If we lived up North, I would totally be that person trapped in a snow drift.
In other news: We've been waiting on word from Dr. Mitchell, the superintendent of ASK, with the deadline of January 14th quickly approaching. We both felt like the interview went really really well, and were hoping to hear good news from him when we got a Search Associates update email that said there's a confirmed 7th grade Language Arts position open a few days ago. I had told him during the interview that World History would be my first choice because I haven't really gotten to sink my teeth into the other half of my teaching license. So, perhaps he's waiting for that position to become confirmed before he contacts me...I just hate waiting.
I emailed him on Thursday (2 days after the opening was posted) to remind him that I wasn't opposed to continuing to teach ELA, and that I was looking forward to hearing from him...too pushy?
I think this latest development has REALLY gotten our hopes up and we will be pretty upset if it doesn't work out. If we don't hear anything by the 15th, we'll really start contacting the other schools that have openings we could fill and try to line up some interviews for the recruitment fair in February.
So that's what's new with us.